In times of crisis, there is always the question of what can I do to help others. Truth is, there is plenty you can do – everything from checking in on your elderly neighbors to donating money to charities that are helping people in need. At StorQuest, we understand your desire to help out, that’s why we’ve put together a guide for doing good.
Give Blood
Because many Blood Drives were canceled early on in the pandemic, blood bank supplies are low. If you’re healthy and qualify as a donor, contact your local Red Cross and schedule an appointment. While they have always followed strict guidelines with regard to infectious diseases, the Red Cross has additional precautions that address the concerns raised with COVID-19.
Stock a Food Bank Pantry
With unemployment at a high, many people are in need of the basics. Your local food pantry could use more canned goods and even your time. Show up in-person to help them sort through the supplies they are receiving as well as put together boxes for distribution. Make sure that if you do volunteer you bring a mask, protective gloves, and hand sanitizer.
Volunteer Virtually
With most of us still hunkered down at home or experiencing the initial phases of reopening, there is still plenty of opportunities to volunteer your time and your skills. COVID-19 caused many retailers to make a quick pivot from brick-and-mortar stores to doing business online. These retailers could use your help – whether you’re a graphic designer, copywriter, or overall digital marketing expert, consider connecting with a local business owner or volunteering your skills with a non-profit organization helping small businesses evolve, like
Buy Now, Use Later – Gift Cards from Small Businesses
Supporting small businesses in your community so that they can reopen when this crisis passes is important. One easy way to do this is purchase gift certificates now that you can use later on, when you can visit the business in person.
Take Care of Yourself
Taking care of yourself may not seem like you are giving to your greater community, but self-care is incredibly important right now. Keeping yourself safe, practicing social distancing, and even working from home means you are doing your civic duty to keep others safe while we ride out the COVID-19 crisis.
This Is the New Awesome
At StorQuest, we think there is much to be grateful for. We’re also thankful to have this opportunity to connect with our customers, navigate these uncertain times together, and look forward to the future. Because together, we got this.