Times like these remind us that we have the power to lift each other up and provide support to those in need. We are moved by the many selfless acts taking place in our communities during these unprecedented times and hope they inspire others to ride the wave of kindness.
Heather, an awesome Assistant Manager in Hillsboro, OR, donated blood at her local Red Cross to help with the massive shortage. One of Heather’s Guests was so moved that they decided to join her in donating as well!
Over the Easter holiday weekend, Anita, the Manager in Bakersfield, CA, along with her daughters put together Easter baskets for kids that might not be getting one this year. Not only was it a bonding experience creating the baskets together, but they also helped spread happiness throughout their community.
Corporate office team member, Mina, recently won a large cash prize and chose to donate it to her sister who is making masks for her community in the Philippines and is purchasing meals for the nurses and staff in her hospital unit. We are deeply humbled by the amazing efforts of the health care and front-line workers, and appreciate the continued bravery and hard work every single day.
Additionally, District Manager, Tim, wanted to give back to a community that really welcomed him in during a recent move to Nevada. He spends his weekends building food and supply boxes that help the elderly population get the staples they need so they don’t have to leave their house. He plans to continue doing this for weekends to come and has offered to get groceries for anyone in need. Riding that wave are two Site Managers, Ennio and Jennifer, who have also offered to pick up groceries for those that are in need and most at risk.
Finally, we extend recognition to Site Manager, Chris in Port Chester, NY for volunteering his free time at a funeral home.
Let us know how you or someone you know is making a difference, so we can continue to spread the wave of kindness and support their cause. Now is the time. #MakeRoomforKindness