Jesse Billauer
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After Jesse pioneered his own way back to surfing, he realized he needed to give other people with paralysis the same freedom, the same pure happiness of catching a wave. With a few fearless friends, Life Rolls On began as a splash into the unknown on ... of all mornings ... September 11, 2001. The "band of brothers" contemplated calling the whole thing off on that fateful day, but decided to charge the waves as a salute to freedom.
Today, Jesse brings that same fearless outlook to everything he does, and every life he touches. He continues to lead his visionary organization as Executive Director & CEO, and wants YOU to join the journey – as an adaptive athlete, volunteer, donor or corporate sponsor. Learn more at LifeRollsOn.org
StorQuest is a proud sponsor of Life Rolls On, a 501c3 nonprofit. All athletes participate FREE of charge. If you can help in any way, please email Jesse at Jesse@LifeRollsOn.org.