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Putting Adventure On Hold for the Holiday Season? Here's How to Store Your Stuff


As the colder months approach, your favorite hobby might be entering the off-season. Take time to properly care for and store your gear to ensure it holds up year after year and is always ready for your next adventure.

Keep It Dry

Before you place anything in your storage unit, make sure it is fully dry and wiped down. If you’re storing a kayak, fishing gear, or some type of equipment that is frequently wet, you should get DampRid or another moisture absorber to keep your unit from becoming humid from the settled water, which can cause damage to your favorite toys. Looking for tips on cleaning other gear? Check out our Gear Storage 101: How to Properly Clean & Store Your Stuff blog for tips on keeping your stuff in good shape.

Box It Up

When you can, place your gear in a box, airtight container, or in a canvas storage bag to protect camping equipment and accessories from the elements. Plastic storage tubs are the ideal option because you can reuse them every year and they stack easily. If you are packing up any cloth materials, place a few dryer sheets in the box as well to keep insects from getting into your stuff. It also keeps your things smelling fresh!

Keep It off the Ground

The best way to keep the cold, the wet, or unwanted pests from your stuff is to keep everything off the ground. Use wood pallets to stack your boxes on to raise them up, which also gives better airflow in the unit so you aren’t encouraging a damp environment.

Organize for Easy Access

Think ahead! While you pack your unit, keep hobbies together and create walking space so you can easily grab what you need when you’re ready for a weekend trip or an epic adventure. Label everything so you can spot what you need quickly and get on the road with ease.

Consider Climate Control

The best way to keep your equipment and gear in tip-top shape is to find a climate-controlled storage unit. These units maintain a constant temperature so your stuff remains in the condition you stowed it. You don’t want to start the season with damaged gear. Find a nearby location and check in with a storage expert at StorQuest to see what type of unit works best for your hobby.

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