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Photo of a smiling couple and their dog camping in the woods on a beautiful autumn day.

How to Travel With Pets Like a Pro


From kayaking across lakes to trekking snowy trails, nothing is better than having a travel buddy right by your side – and some of the best adventure companions are our four-legged friends. So if you’re ready to bring your canine or feline pal along with you on your next destination, keep reading, because StorQuest is here to help you plan a safe and adventure-filled trip with your pets.

Safety Comes First

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when traveling with your adventure buddy, whether it’s driving together on a road trip, roaming through nature, traversing water, or flying:

  • Buckle up: When riding in the car, van, or RV, your pet should be harnessed and connected to a seat belt.
  • Do not leave them unattended: Leaving your pup leash-tied out front of a store or shop is risky and could cause theft or accidents. Leaving them unattended in a car is also an unsafe move. Any temperature outside that’s above 60 degrees Fahrenheit is still too hot for your pet inside the car.
  • Always have food and water: Never go anywhere without food and water readily available for your pet to keep them hydrated and energized, including on trails or with you on excursions into nature.
  • Bundle them up: Freezing temps can be just as harsh on your pets as it is for you, so be sure to come prepared for colder weather with extra gear for your pet.
  • Watch for wildlife: It takes only a second for your cat or dog to be snatched up by an animal. Keep an eye on your furry friends. Keep them close and keep them leashed.

Plan Your Route

If you’ve ever visited a new destination with your pup before, you can probably expect that more often than not, pets are not always allowed. Be sure to map out exactly where you’re headed to and check to make sure that pets are allowed. Some nature preserves/reserves, parks, and trails do not allow pets due to a potential disturbance of the local flora and fauna, while some places let you fully unleash your pup for a wild-and-free adventure. Do your due diligence and map out your route to avoid any disappointments upon arrival.

Here are some great places across the U.S. to take your pet to:

  • The Adirondack Mountains, New York – not all trails are pet-friendly, but most are.
  • San Diego, California – there are many nature trails, beaches, and even bars and restaurants that are pet-friendly.
  • Bend, Oregon – countless trails, parks, restaurant patios, and dog parks that you can take your pup to.
  • Aspen, Colorado – hike up to the top of the mountain and enjoy a meal at Elk Camp.
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico – this city has 14 dog parks!
  • Sedona, Arizona – Slide Rock State Park is a must-see destination, and dogs and people are allowed to play in the water of Oak Creek Canyon. Sedona also offers an excursion with The Rocky Mountain Jeep Tours where dogs can join in on the fun.

Have Gear With You

You love your pets, so make sure they are safe and protected from the elements at every turn, just as you would for yourself. When visiting a snowy, rainy, or freezing cold spot, bring boots and a coat to keep their feet and fur warm and dry – especially for short-haired and smaller-sized pets. For camping out at night, have a cozy place for them to sleep where they’re protected from the elements and kept secure from potential predators. When taking a road trip, it’s essential to have a harness for your pet to secure them into place with a seatbelt. And to go the extra mile, consider having a protector pad for the back of your vehicle to prevent nail scratches, accidental messes, and for easy hair or dirt cleanup. If you’re flying with your pet, be sure to bring along the recommended carrying pack, bag, crate, or other transportation item that would help make the trip easier on you and your furry friend.

Be Mindful of Nature

When it comes to keeping nature protected, we need to watch out for the footprint we leave behind. And that includes our pup’s potty waste. Be mindful of where your pet relieves themselves and pick an ideal spot that would cause the least amount of disturbance to the environment, if possible. Always clean up excrement from your pet, no matter how far out into nature you are. And if you can’t bag it and toss it into a waste receptacle, dig a little hole and bury it in the dirt.

StorQuest Has Your Back

When you’re not out in nature exploring with your adventure buddy, you need a secure spot to store all your gear. From locker-sized storage spaces for just a few things, to larger units perfect for endless amounts of gear and equipment, StorQuest has the space you need when you need it. Find a location near you today and start planning your next destination.

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