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Avoid These 10 Moving Mistakes


Moving is a big deal. Whether it’s for a new job, to be with a loved one, or just for a change of scenery, packing up your belongings and moving them to a new town or storage unit can be a challenge – especially if you don’t know where to begin. Luckily, StorQuest Self Storage is here to give you the low down. When it comes to moving “mistakes”, we know just how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not Researching Your Mover

Think of your movers as the first line of defense protecting your valuables during a move. You don’t want a stranger with no references moving your road bike, vacation photos, or childhood memorabilia across the country, do you? Before choosing a moving company, ask these questions:

Don’t forget to ask for a quote and compare it to the options available from other moving companies.

Mistake 2: Packing Order Faux Pas

While this may seem like a no brainer now, you’re going to want to remember it during a late night packing sesh. Pack heaviest items in the smallest boxes and use those boxes to build a base for stacking – your back will thank you later!

Also, flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials put you and your mover at risk. Check in with your moving company to see if there are any restrictions around transporting these types of items.

Mistake 3: Forgetting that Size Matters

Womp, womp! If you’re planning to move your current furniture into your new pad or storage unit, make sure it will fit first! Don’t wait to find out after you have already paid to move it that your favorite couch won’t fit in your new living room.

Mistake 4: Lack of Labels

Make moving day way simpler by labeling your packed boxes with what’s in them and where they go in your new spot. Label all four sides of each box so that no matter the direction they’re turned, you know what’s inside and where they goes.

Not planning to move all of those boxes into your new home? Try labeling the ones that will go in your storage unit with a different color ink for instant recognition. Boom!

Mistake 5: Minding Your Manners

Don’t forget to thank your mover(s)! The old adage is true: be nice to someone and they will be nice to you. In this case, be nice to your mover and they will be nice to your stuff! Try to make a personal connection with those handling your possessions and they will be more apt to care about your grandfather’s tools, the plates your mom gave you, or that brand new kayak.

Mistake 6: Neglecting to Change Your Address

Just because you decided to start a new life doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep some of the old. You know, like your mail. Go to address changer and make sure your new address is correct.

Mistake 7: Not Packing a Survival Kit

Even though you’re taking everything with you, some things are going to be needed before others. A flashlight, medications, toiletries and your child’s security blanket are great items to pack in your survival kit. And the ever-critical extra few bucks cash to tip the pizza guy the first night!

Mistake 8: Forgetting Your Furry Friends…Needs

We know how important your pets are to you, but sometimes, in the hassle of moving, you can forget about their needs. Does your dog need special medication? Is your cat not so great with car travel? All of these things need to be taken into consideration when moving. Remember, it’s a stressful time for them too. So come prepared to help them settle into their new life.

Mistake 9: Taking It All with You

Moving is a great time to assess your belongings and purge what you don’t really need, like that stack of old magazines or the coffee table you bought at a garage sale in college. If you haven’t used an item in the last couple years, it’s probably time to say goodbye. Of course, if you’re not 100% sure you want to get rid something, you can always pack the item and tuck it away in your storage unit.

Mistake 10: Not Valuing Your Own Time

While being fiscally responsible is admirable, you don’t want to sacrifice all your free time for the sake of saving money. Before you decide to go it alone, take into account the time it will take for you to accomplish all these tasks. You may decide hiring a mover is worth it after all.

Stress less and live more with the help of StorQuest Self Storage. We’re here to help you live a more awesome life before, during, and after any move. Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and advice by signing up for our email newsletter here and checking out our other, awesome social channels: Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter!

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