It’s time to swap the board shorts for beanies and flip-flops for high tops. But cooler days don't have to mean staying inside. Fuel your inner adrenaline junkie this autumn with these epic action sports.
1. Mountainboarding:
No snow? No problem. Unlike snowboarding, with Mountainboarding the terrain is limitless. This cross between a snowboard and a skateboard shreds on grass, dirt or pavement so your thrill endures all year round.
2. Land Sailing:
Just because the summer is over, doesn’t mean you can’t hit the beach. If the idea of hopping in the ocean is already giving you goosebumps, try land sailing. Whether you’re at the desert or the beach, this small sailboat on wheels will get your heart pumping at speeds of up to 60mph.
3. Caving:
This adventure is perfect for those seeking to take an exhilarating journey deep below the surface. You never know what you’ll find around each corner while being guided by nothing more than a headlamp!