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Man standing on the top of a mountain with a backpack with a yoga mat and looking through binoculars at a city below him.

6 Tips to Guide Your Quest for Happiness After Quarantine


Let’s face it. The past few months have been hard. We’ve had to keep our distance from friends and family. We’ve had to change the way we live our lives. But at StorQuest, we believe awesome can be found in unexpected places. Though far from easy, our time in isolation brought with it lasting life lessons. Here are six we think can be useful in your quest for happiness after the quarantine.

1. Don’t Stop Learning

Did you learn to play a new instrument while in quarantine? Maybe you got to work learning a second language or took up a killer fitness routine? Don’t stop now! Personal enrichment can boost self-confidence, help curb anxiety, and improve our mood and emotional health – all things that go a long way in keeping us happy during these uncertain times. Never stop learning. Never stop becoming a better you.

2. Live in the Moment. Live for Adventure.

If the COVID-19 outbreak taught us anything, it’s that our world can change in an instant. As we emerge from quarantine, make living in the now a priority. That epic road trip you’ve been dreaming of? Make it happen. That far-away friend you’ve been meaning to text, call, or visit? Reach out. Make room for the people and things you love in life today, because you never know what tomorrow might bring.

3. Keep it Simple. Keep it Awesome.

An uncluttered mind is a healthy mind. The pandemic forced us to strip away the fluff from our daily grind and focus more on what matters most in life – family, friends, our pets, our own personal growth. Many found joy in suddenly empty calendars. The pressure to always go, go, go was gone and we became free to focus on ourselves. Don’t let that mentality slip away entirely as life picks back up. Allow life to be simple. Do the things you truly love to do, not the things you think you have to do. You’ll be happier for it.

4. Get Outdoors

Quarantine reminded us just how great the great outdoors are. With much of our world shut down, a scenic hike, exhilarating mountain bike ride, epic surfing session, or camping trip under the stars served as our go-to escapes from reality. Nature soothes the soul. Don’t stop seeking it out in a post-pandemic world.

5. Embrace Positivity

Quarantine taught us how to make the most of a difficult situation. Carry that mentality into your post-quarantine quest for happiness. It’s not hard to find the good in life if you look hard enough.

Make positivity a pillar in your life by helping others, whether that’s donating your time or money to a worthy cause or simply helping your elderly neighbor with yard work. Doing good for others brings joy to you by bringing joy to others.

6. Don’t Rush Back to “Normal”

As our lives return to something that resembles normal, don’t take on too much too quickly. It might be tempting to load up our calendars with activities as our world opens back up. Give it some time. Take it slow, and remember: It’s OK not to take on as much as you took on before.

If you’re ready to #MakeRoomForAwesome in your life, stop by your local StorQuest so you can spend less time storing and more time exploring all that life has to offer. Your quest for happiness after quarantine starts now!

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