Battle the winter blues with a dose of sunlight. You may not get a tan, but it can boost your mood, get your heart pumping and put a smile on your face. Here are ten things you can do outside this winter.
Winter Sports
Skiing, snowboarding, cross-county skiing, ice fishing…and the list goes on. If you live in snow climates, like near Denver Colorado or Williston, North Dakota, these activities are nearby and plentiful.
Snow Play
Channel your inner child and make a snow man, have a snow ball fight, make snow angels or go for a sled ride down a nearby hill.
Snow/Mud Football
The NFL players shouldn’t get all the fun. Doesn’t watching the Broncos play in flurries make you want to break out the ball and throw it around? Or just think of the muddy fun after a good rainstorm.
Water Sports
Any brave soul can kayak, paddle board or go boating year round, especially if you live in a warm climate like California, Florida or Arizona. Plus, extra cold water is a great incentive to keep your balance and NOT fall in.
Take a Hike
Snow or no snow, a good long walk in a beautiful setting is always a good cure from winter apathy. Take the kids, but be sure to leave their electronics behind!
Walk the Dog
The pooch needs some outside time too! Snap on his leash and head down to the dog park to toss the ball around.
Window Shop
No one said your heart rate had to exceed 100 BPM to get the benefits of being outdoors. Grab a coffee or hot chocolate, find an outdoor mall or quaint shopping area, and go for a stroll.
Train for a Race
It doesn’t have to be a serious 10K or marathon, but there are all types of fun runs happening during the winter, like Insane Inflatables in Long Beach, CA. Check your area or ask a nearby running store of upcoming events.
Do Chores
Make fun out of work. Shovel snow off your driveway, wash the car, weed the yard, or get your garden ready for spring. It’s all about the attitude.
Just Play
If you can play it during the summer, you can play it during the winter too – maybe with a few adjustments. Hula Hoop, throw a Frisbee, fly a kite, even play basketball.
And, always remember that StorQuest has got you covered when you are ready to try a new sport, hobby or activity – we can always make room for new stuff.